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Velosio SilverLeaf Ideas Portal
Status Shipped
Workspace SilverLeaf
Created by Ben Marchi-Young
Created on Nov 23, 2022

No Backorder on SO - Requested QTY

Some customers do not allow backorder to be processed from sales orders.

We need a process to close sales orders once QTY's are shipped and invoiced, and not accept any subsequent shipments / invoicing.

Functional Requirements:

Customer Card

  • Create a Boolean field on customer card "No Backorder"

    • User would check this field for any customer where backorders are NOT allowed

Sales Order

  • Create Boolean field in Horticulture sub-form called "No Backorder"

    • This field will be automatically on / off based on the customer card option

    • User can update on the sales order as needed (but this will not change the setting on the customer card)

  • Create 2 new fields on Sales Order Lines

    • "Requested QTY" - decimal

    • "Requested QTY (Base)" - decimal

    • "Reason Code" - to be used in reference when shipping less than requested QTY

  • Extend new sales order line fields to Posted Sales Shipment and Posted Sales Invoice

No Backorder Process

  • Create a process that would initiate for orders that meet both:

    • Filter for any sales order where No Backorder = TRUE

    • Filter on any sales order where Shipped = TRUE

  • For any sales order matching this criteria:

    • Auto archive the sales order to show orders before any changes were made

    • Copy value from "QTY" to "Requested QTY"

    • Copy Value from "QTY (Base)" to "Requested QTY (Base"

    • Set "QTY" = "QTY Shipped"

This process will ensure sales lines are completely shipped, but requested QTY displays the original QTY requested. Once the order is completely invoiced, the system will auto-delete / archive the order.


Analysis report may be created as part of this feature or can be customized per customer.

If part of feature, we need to create a comparison report between archived sales order (before changes were made) against the posted sales shipment (where QTY values would have been changed) to view the difference between Requested QTY vs. QTY.

Industry Vertical Hort & Cannabis
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